IEEE Support Center
The IEEE Board of Directors sanctions a member:
The IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee (EMCC) received a complaint against Zhiqian Bo, an IEEE Senior Member. For purposes of identification only, Zhiqian Bo is a former Chair of the IEEE Power and Energy Society China Chapter Council whose term as Chair ended in 2020. Following an EMCC investigation, a Hearing Board appointed by the IEEE Board of Directors found that Zhiqian Bo violated Section 5 of the IEEE Code of Conduct and Section 1 of the IEEE Code of Ethics. The IEEE Board of Directors sustained these findings and imposed the sanction of Expulsion from IEEE Membership for Zhiqian Bo, in accordance with IEEE Bylaw I-110.5. The IEEE Board of Directors also determined that this notification to the IEEE Membership should be made. The IEEE Board of Directors decision is final for this case.
Details: https://spectrum.ieee.org/notice-to-membership-dec-2023
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